
Why should the manager be involved in the implementation of a business process system?

One of the classic problems in the implementation of information systems is the low involvement of company owners or directors in a project.

Even if the company owners or directors decide to implement information systems, they often leave the implementation without control. This makes the process much more difficult and often leads to delays and errors.

Here are at least 4 things that the manager must do personally during the implementation of the process approach.

1. Show a personal example

In short, employees tend to ignore the system in those companies where it is ignored by leaders themselves. If the manager talks about business process automation, but requests reports in the old form, and continues to set tasks verbally around that program, then none of the employees will use that program.

Therefore, the leader must be the first to start working according to the new rules. He must create conditions when employees cannot work differently, because he will ignore the old ways of working. This is the only way to convey to employees the seriousness of their intention to work in a new way and show that the information system is a real tool. And even more, it is the most important tool and vital for business success.

2. Give importance to the implementation team

When a business process management system is implemented, a group of the most motivated users is collected and in some cases external consultants are engaged. These people communicate with other employees, form and describe business processes, implement processes and provide training.

But without real management support, no internal or external employee will have enough priority over the organization. In this case, such people will be simply ignored.
Therefore, the participation of the management and formal definition of the group’s authority should be mandatory during implementation.

3. Inform yourself about the progress of implementation.

Implementation is a complex and in some cases expensive project.

The manager should be directly present in the project team, be responsible for the organizational part of the process, explain the goals of information system implementation, and solve disputed issues. And disputed issues will certainly appear, which leads us to the fourth point.

4. Build processes up on a level with the company’s strategic vision.

No one else can see where the company is developing, in the same way that the manager is able to perceive.