
Business process management – definition, implementation and automation

The first and most important thing to do

Examine the processes and identify the one that is delaying development or causing disruption in your company.

Take a walk around the office and talk to your employees to immediately understand how complex or organised some processes are.
If you look deeper, it will be easier for you to determine that many of them have time-consuming tasks or barriers. The inefficiency of people and lack of digital access can also cause this situation to occur.

Learn how other companies manage to do this

Instead of implementing the process immediately, find out how companies solve the same problem.

Studying the industry and knowing how other companies, even if they are your competitors, are dealing with the situation, is very important. This can help you learn valuable lessons, while also using templates that they use to determine the flow of business processes.

Find a process that immediately requires automation

Focus on what you need most.

Instead of just concentrating on working with clients, think about automating the processes in your company that will affect adherence to deadlines and the overall quality of work. A common mistake that most decision makers commit is trying to automate several processes at once.

Focus on the most important things and implement the business process step by step, instead of performing them all at once.


Develop a plan to implement the new process automation.

Create a strategy to ensure smooth implementation and step-by-step implementation.

Understand how a complete change in the way your company works will affect your organisation, your teams and the morale of your employees. If it creates more chaos than rationalisation, the whole purpose of introducing something new becomes invalid.

Expand the capabilities of your marketing, finance, IT and other teams to help your employees automate digital processes, so that the transition is smooth and gradual.

Processing changes in the process and measuring performance

Everything from training and implementation to investment performance must be measured.

As a leader or decision maker in the whole process, you must help employees learn, understand and manage the changes in the process. When they do this professionally, they will tend to adapt better to changes in the future.

Create an investment performance measurement chart to ensure that it inspires senior management to invest more in digital transformation.

Managing business processes is a matter of time!